Hospiz im Alltag

Lively evening of songs about mortality

Due to the pandemic, it took three attempts for the intimate concert featuring singer and actor Reinhild Kuhn and Berlin-based guitarist Thomas Holzhausen to finally take place in the seminar room on Rudolfstraße. The audience consisted of voluntary and permanent employees, representatives of the foundation and friends of the singer. Songs by Leonard Cohen, Die Toten Hosen and Tom Waits and...
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“Every day is precious. Every moment is special.”

Ursula Köppe, nurse at Johannes-Hospiz, had interviewed a resident of our hospice for her final test paper of her special training in palliative care on the wider subject “Giving Humanity a Face”. Afterwards, she gave Leo Bisping, head of the public relation department, the opportunity to ask some important questions. I would like to relate here two of these questions and Ursula...
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A Blues Jam Session with Matt Walsh in the Hospice’s Garden

Picking up the thread of the little garden concerts in 2020 we offered this year, too, to the seriously ill residents of the hospice a special musical program of chansons, melodies from musicals and jazz, or, in this case, of blues. So Matt Walsh and his fellow musicians made a Sunday afternoon quite an experience. Born in Ireland, Matt Walsh has been living in Münster for many years. It is...
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Online-Commemoration for the Deceased

In the new mission statement of Johannes-Hospiz, completed in 2020, it says: “We live a culture of memory. And memory is more than a recollection or an entry in a book. There remains a bond, for each and everyone forms us. We keep the memory and we walk along with those left to mourn. We appreciate processes of mourning and the ways of dealing with parting.” One of these ways of...
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Restriction is the mother of invention: an invitation of a special kind

In the beginning of the pandemic about one year ago, all that was necessary to promote a stable hospice community was suddenly no longer possible: I speak of meetings of the colleagues on the occasion of celebrations and parties. Our summer party had to be cancelled and so had the advent celebration and all other common events. They all help to keep hospice work, challenging as it is, in good...
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“We live on human contact” – How Corona Changes Everyday Life at the Hospice

When entering the villa at Hohenzollernring you will be received by the smell of freshly baked cake. Wherever you are just coming from, it feels like coming home. At once, you will realize a cosy, homey atmosphere. In spite of Corona. Barbara H. (in her mid-fifties) has been living in Johannes-Hospiz for a couple of months. She is one of the residents with a longer stay. H. suffers of cancer, as...
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Little concerts in the garden of Johannes-Hospiz

After long weeks of isolation, the residents of the hospice together with their relatives and the nursing team were pleased about three “little garden concerts” which were performed in the months of summer. There were three afternoons that made us forget about corona and many other things for a while. In June, with the ladies’ duo “Bread and Tulips” it was all about...
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Group treasure hunt – geocaching at Johannes Hospiz

Geocaching is a wonderful leisure activity for all the family, particularly in these times. It is a modern form of an age-old game – a treasure hunt – that offers plenty of fun and excitement for young and old. Geocachers will be pleased to know that here at the Johannes Hospiz we are also great fans of the game. The hiding places are chosen to ensure that they do not impinge on the...
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Your Name Will Remain

Last year, Johannes-Hospiz was 20 years old. We celebrated this anniversary with several events and accentuations. We looked into the development and the history of our house on the “day of the open hospice”, we presented aspects of our work at an exhibition in the building of “Bezirksregierung” Münster (local government Münster), we looked upon our team in order...
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Encounters at the Citizens’ Stall in the Heart of Münster

On a Saturday in July, the outpatient service of Johannes-Hospiz were present with six voluntary colleagues and a full-time coordinator in Ludgeri Street right in the heart of Münster. The citizens’ stall offers opportunities for social services and initiatives to present their work and to get into conversation with citizens. So the participating services can draw attention to their...
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Nobody is forgotten

The in-patient department of Johannes-Hospiz has many beloved traditions, one of which is the Book of Memory in the chapel. All residents will be entered into this book after they died to remind of their time in the hospice. I write and care for this book already in the fourth generation, for this tradition has been existing since August 1999 when our house was opened. I took over the format from...
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Farewell Ceremonies and the Role of Music

When I hear on the radio the track “Hero” (Let me go, I don’t wanna be your hero) by “Family of the Year”, I must think of Bruno S. He was with us for only two weeks, but he was such a particular person that he remained in my memory. When he had died we chose this song for his farewell ceremony. So many relatives and members of his residential group had come that we...
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