Flyer in Russian Completed

My several months’ journey through many countries of East Europe and Central Asia within a research project in Palliative Care aroused my vivid interest in the situation of these countries. I made the painful experience that I was only able to communicate in English. But good knowledge of English cannot be taken for granted in these regions, particularly not with the nursing professions. That could be shown on the occasion of the successful short practical trainings of four Ukrainian nurses in Münster. But even we at Johannes-Hospiz feel shaky on English, specially in the medical context.

To make a long story short, I decided to start learning Russian two years ago. The result of my efforts is a flyer in Russian which has been completed by now. In the flyer I want to express the high interest of Johannes-Hospiz in cooperations. The projects with the hospice in Iwano-Frankiwsk in Ukraine, which have been supported by the Foreign Office since 2019, show how valuable such a cooperation can be. The four pages’ leaflet shortly presents the departments of our hospice and emphasizes the open-mindedness and the pleasure in a mutual exchange way over borders. In the middle of the flyer you will find a quotation that sort of expresses the spirit (and the heart) of the concern:

Солидарность - это нежность народов (Solidarity is the peoples’ tenderness.)