Textbook Palliative Care for Nurses published in Ukraine

Many of the projected activities included in the cooperation between the two hospices in Iwano-Frankiwsk and Münster and supported by the Foreign Office had to be canceled owing to the pandemic. The most ambitious project, however, could successfully be completed: the making and publication of a textbook of palliative care for nurses in Ukrainian. In fragile times like these with all their uncertainties it touches me very much that we made it. We, that means particularly the colleagues of the project group and the two translaters.

I find the result of this intensive work process as impressive. This textbook entitled “Palliative Care” (ПАЛІАТИВНА ДОПОМОГА) is meant to be a practically oriented guide for the professional group of nurses and is the first one of its kind for this core group of palliative care in Ukraine. It has 344 pages and is divided in five parts: I. Basics, II. Palliative Care and Therapy, III. Final Phase and Death, IV. Culture, Ethics, and Law, V. Care for Oneself. All these themes are committed to a holistic approach, just like Cecily Saunders programmatically expressed it in her concept of “total pain”.

The textbook will be prominently introduced by a preface of the following personalities: Kataryna Balabanova, Minister of Health of Ukraine; Julie Ling, European Association for Palliative Care; Ksenia Shapoval, International Renaissance-Foundation. At the same time it inaugurates a series of publications dealing with matters of organization and realization of palliative care in Ukraine.


Core Informations on the New Book

Title: Palliative Care – a Practical Guide for Nursing; ukr.: Паліативна допомога - Практичний посібник для медичних сестер.

Part I of the Series on Matters of Organisation and Realization of Palliative Care in Ukraine; ukr.: Том І, Серія публікацій з питань організації та надання паліативної допомоги.

Project Group: Iryna Slugotska, Lyudmyla-Oksana Andriischin, Natalia Galamaga, Natalya Ruzhylo, Andreas Stähli.

Publishing House and Place: Apostol Publishers, Iwano-Frankiwsk.

ISBN 978-617-7134-96-0