Second Members’ Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (German Association for Palliative Medicine) in Münster on September 15 and 16

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin now has more than 5,500 members from a wide range of professional groups, of whom many are involved in its working groups, sections and state representation. Providing all members with time to engage in conversation with each other is the goal of the professional association’s second Members’ Conference. There is also an “introductory offer” for all potential members in the form of a free membership until the end of the year.

After a symposium on palliative and hospice care for people of advanced age and the subsequent benefit concert under the motto “Orgeltänze, Orgelträume” (Organ Dances, Organ Dreams) the day before, specific content will be reviewed and discussed in the open sessions of the sections and working groups on September 15. A soirée in an idyllic palace garden more than two centuries old will round off the day in the most beautiful of ways. The event organizers are particularly delighted that they have also been able to engage Prof. Dr. Joachim Gardemann for a lecture on “Preserving human dignity as the key task of international humanitarian emergency relief.” The topics in the plenary session on September 16 will then be: “(Voluntarily) renouncement of food and liquids”, “Advanced Care Planning” and “Medicine as an expression of multi-professionalism put into practice?”

Together with representatives from the Münster University Hospital the Münster School of Health, the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the University of Münster, Palliativnetz Münster GmbH and Hospizbewegung Münster e.V., the academy at Johannes-Hospiz is part of the local organizational committee for the Members’ Conference.