Visitations (practical trainings) from abroad at Johannes-Hospiz

Johannes-Hospiz is active in many fields (inpatient and outpatient hospice, bereavement counselling, academy). As a result, we greatly value contacts to palliative care facilities and organisations in other countries. This is reflected in the signing of the “Charta zur Betreuung schwerstkranker und sterbender Menschen in Deutschland”, a charter on the care of seriously and terminally ill persons in Germany. In its fifth principle, the charter refers to the importance of European and international activities for care providers. We hope this agreement will result in an international exchange of knowledge and experience so that we may learn from each other, get recommendations and gain inspiration within the context of prevailing conditions that differ from country to country. In order to give all who are interested in a visitation at Johannes-Hospiz a clear picture of the opportunities of a visit, you find some important references on the Academy’s homepage under the heading “International” referring to the content of the work, the time frame, the limitations and to questions of board and lodging. There is, for instance, the possibility of a practical training of three days at most. According to one’s main interests, the whole practical training can take place at the in-patient hospice or at the Academy for two days. Visits and conversations at the other departments are possible but only on a smaller scale.


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