Last Aid Courses – Now Online!

Everybody knows about offering first aid in acute life threatening crises. But it is equally important to know about possibilities of help at the end of life. Interested citizens learn in so-called Last Aid Courses what to do for their loved ones at the end of their lives. It is more or less all about the basics of care for the dying. Both basic knowledge and skills will be taught. And before all: the courses shall encourage to devote one’s attention to the dying (

Four modules under the following headings will be dealt with

  1. Dying as part of life
  2. Provisions and decisions
  3. Alleviating physical, mental, social and existential distress
  4. Saying farewell to life

Meanwhile, there are Last Aid Courses in many countries such as Norway, Denmark, Austria, Australia, Brazil, and Slovenia. The out-patient service of Johannes-Hospiz has been offering Last Aid Courses with great success for quite a time. It only goes to show that the concept has proved itself in practice. The open dialogue in the group on issues of death, dying and care at the end of life has an essential part in the success of the course.

The recent restrictions of contact due to the pandemic prevent us from providing courses on our premises or by cooperating external partners. The online format imparts not only knowledge and skills but offers also the opportunity of inquiry and exchange. The necessary materials for the practical unit of the course will be sent, packed with loving care, to the participants by mail.