A Forward Look at the 4th Forum “Spirituality and Spiritual Care” at the Academy

The third forum “Spirituality and Spiritual Care” was held last year. It aimed at bringing together people with an educated background and people experienced in pastoral and spiritual guidance to build up a network in the spirit of exchange and mutual learning. The fourth forum considers the same aim as its duty. It focuses on what it means in the religions to be internally and externally “on the road” as it is exemplified in the essence of pilgrimage.

In the first part of the forum, Mr. Daniel Roters M.A. from the “Centre for Islamic Theology” in Münster will deliver a keynote speech on the subject. After a plenary exchange and discussion, it will be followed by an in-depth contribution on the focal theme “Being on the Road” by Dr. Melanie Möller from the “Institute for Religious Studies”. The event will be held at the Academy of Johannes-Hospiz on May 15th, and will be hosted by Professor Tafferner of the Catholic College in Münster, Gudrun Meiwes of the department “Pastoral Care in Critical Situations of Life” of the diocese Münster, and Dr. Andreas Stähli. They are as always looking forward to fruitful reflections and lively conversations. Leitmotif of the forums is the moving question of how access to inner and outer rooms of spirituality in illness, old age, dying, death, and mourning can be found.